Tuesday, December 13, 2016

My Dictionary (2)

My kid and I  have not been feeling well for few days because of  bad cold,  Anyway its the flu season so  we're all expecting  the flu.  We wish you  all good health

Our today's dictionary is about food and beverage names how you can say the names of those food and beverage mentioned bellow in somali language.

1) Cunto   food.

2) Baasto    spaghetti.

3) Maraq    soup.

4)  Muus  banana.

5) Canjeelo  injera a tiny flat breakfast pancake.

6) Hilib  meat. (any kind)

7) Subag  butter.

8) Bariis  rice.

9) Khudrad/khuadaar vegetable.

10)  Sambuus  samosa ( a triangle shaped small somali dessert.

1) Cabitaan   beverage

2) Biyo   water.

3) Khamri   wine.

4) Caano   milk.

5) Iskudar   Cocktail.