Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Odd Habits We Exhibit

Picture by Momblogsociety

I have been wondering why do I have so many habits that I have been exhibiting for so long. Some of these habits are from my childhood as early as I can remember and those habits have never changed one bit. yet most of the time I acquire new habits. So I have been doing some research to learn about habitual. Habits are not unique things because everyone has habits whether they can explain why do they have those habits or have no explanations of their habits, I myself don't have explanations for many of my habits that is why I did the research to learn more about my habitual and tendencies. Here are some of the habits that I exhibit a lot.

1) Use the odd one out toilet stall

Most of American public restrooms have this one unique toilet stall which is different from the rest. I call it the odd one out,  This toilet stall is usually located at the end of  a row of toilet stalls next to the wall and it's wider than the rest of the stalls. However this odd one out turns to be my favorite toilet stall. The reason behind my odd one out habit is when I came to the United States I have a chronic constipation. I didn't want people waiting for me too long since I had to spend a long time in the toilet so I choose the last stall because not many people go to the last stall unless the rest are occupied. Another reason was since I had a chronic constipation I always ended up blowing tons of gas (flatus) like an air conditioner so in this case I tried to go the farthest toilet stall so my blowing doesn't disgust other people. However even though I don't have that condition anymore I still love the odd one out toilet stall. I don't have an issue using the narrowed stalls I just don't like accidentally hitting the stall walls with my elbows while trying to make my way to my business.

2) Eating something while cooking meal.

 Some people have tendencies of eating something while they're cooking their meal. For example one may just come from work and is hungry, he/she starts the fire, prepares the ingredient of the meal they want to cook and starts the process but then grabs a bowl of cereal or a loaf bread with jam and eats and in less than an hour the meal is ready. My husband does that most of the time and I'm like "you have eaten two meals already. What are you doing with the 3rd"?  However, that is not me, no matter how hungry I'm I don't eat if I plan to cook. What is the point of cooking the meal if I'm going to eat other food. If I have to eat other food I usually postpone the cooking and cook when I have relaxed. Sometimes I come home starving and I start preparing my favorite meal which would be ready in an hour and half or perhaps in couple hours I  have no problem staying hungry that long and that is one of my bad habits but I have no intention of changing it because I'm picky eater and if I don't like what I ate then I don't get satisfied with my food. It stresses me out until I have eaten something I like.

3)  Stuff the blanket in my sides.

This may sound weird to you but well this is one of my long, long habits that I have developed during my life in nomad as a child. I usually fill all my sides, feet and head with the blanket leaving only the mouth and nose for breathing; the reason behind this is when I lived in nomad we used to sleep under the stars and with all the Mother Earth's creatures crawling at night it was no save zone to sleep peacefully. For instance a bug may crawl under the blanket and finds it's way inside your clothes. I hate talking such things it gives me goosebumps; not to mention the dangerous night crawlers like snakes, scorpions etc, I have lost a cousin for a venomous snake. Not only the fear of those creatures made me stuff the blankets all over my body but also because I have shared the blanket with my cousin or with grandmother, I did not want them taking the blanket away from me and leaving me unguarded. Apparently the blanket was my guardian angel it helped me stay safe from dangerous creatures. Even though I don't sleep under the stars or have any bugs that would crawl around my bed, the thing is I got so used to sleeping completely dark rooms since we didn't have light back then. I like to sleep in a dark place, completely dark I spend 20-30 minuted getting myself comfortable, I toss and and turn and fill every little spot that I have missed to fill. During summer I don't do that because it's hot I only cover my head leaving my mouth and nose open for breathing.

4) Make up songs in my head

As a non-verbal person I sing in my head. I'm a deaf person and I don't hear the songs so I invent my own songs, It doesn't have to be a whole song it can be a single word, it can be a name of a city, person or object. It can be someone's full name whatever it can be my brain just gets so attached to it and I can sing it for sometime depending on how fast I invent the next word in my head. I remember the first person whose name I got so attached. It was around 2009 and I was watching Revolutionary Road and then I saw kate Winslet's name on the starring list and that is when I have started singing her name in my head. I can't remember the last person's name who I have sang, it could be O.J Simpson or Homer Simpson or anyone else, not always the famous people it could be my teachers, classmates friends anyone. It's not always people's names it can also be city names or  a city and its country's name like Brussels Belgium, Jakarta Indonesia or Bogota Colombia. It can also be an object's names or almost anything. I have no explanation for this habit but I think it might be related to being a non-verbal.

5) Delete all my emails.

Deleting all my emails every time I open my inbox is one of my everyday habit. I don't delete everything but I save the important emails in specific folders and delete the junks and all unnecessary emails. Who wants 300,000-900,000 unnecessary emails sitting in their inboxes and junks. That is not me I like the neat inbox it also helps me keep on track of my emails. Why? because if I have not opened my inbox for a day I have time for the search for important emails but if there are thousands already sitting in my inbox I'll be going nuts trying to find the important emails that I need to check and save.
I have no explanation for this nor intent to quit doing it so I'll just leave it that way.

6) Click a button before sharing something on facebook from someone's facebook.

This is both funny and weird of course but if I like something or interested something from other facebook user's wall then I click like, love or any other button that suits the things to show them that I'm interested in that thing on their wall before sharing. Of course it's rude to share stuff from someone's territory and not let them know you liked or interested it. To me it's a way of saying thank you for letting me see this interesting thing on your facebook territory. It's also creepy to me going to another person's territory, sharing their things without letting them know you are interested in it. Also I have no explanation of this one either it's one of my self taught habits and I'll carry it with me for the rest of my breathing time.

7) Watch movie of TV series while eating.

Who would want to sit on a dining table and boredomly munch a meal till their last bite? That is not me, I don't  even eat on the dining table unless there is a family meal. The best moment of my day is when I have my favorite meal and my favorite movie or TV series at the same time undisturbed. Again I have no explanation of this either nor do I intend to work on changing.

8) Wash the dishes first, rinse them last

when it come to hand washing the dish many people tend to wash and rinse one by one at the same time. Filling one sink with soapy water and the other sink with clean water. But that is not  me. I wash all the dish with the soap and put the soapy dish in the empty sink and when I have finished I rinse them. This is one of my youth-hood habit but I have no explanation anyways.

9) Don't eat food in hurry.

Eating food in hurry is common in the Unites States, you may have five minutes before your shift, class or the your presentation and you're too hungry or won't be having  time to enjoy your meal later so you eat in hurry. However that is not me. I savor each moment of my meal therefore eating in hurry doesn't help my satisfaction, same as eating food in which it's taste I don't like. I can wait as long as I can, I'm resistant to hunger even though at the end of the day I pay the price for making my body stay hungry for a long time. I lose all the energy and I feel like I'm going to faint other times I get dizzy. I know this is the worst thing to do and I'm working on changing this habit but sometimes I still end up doing it.

10) Skip meals.

Skipping meals is unhealthy to anyone who does it but it's one of my bad habits that sometimes I can't find an appetite for anything at my home therefore I skip eating. I don't intend to change this habit either because if I don't have an appetite forcing myself to eat something is not going to help either so I wait till the next meal time to eat something.

11)  No beverage while eating.

Some of us tend to eat and drink at the same time me on the other hand don't like that.
If I drink beverage while I have not finished my meal it makes me get full easily and leave leftovers in my plate it also makes me feel stuffed for a long time which also bothers with my next meal. Therefore I wait till I'm full or have finished my meal then have my beverage. I have no explanation nor intend to work on it. Because I'm fine with the way things are.

I do have many other habits but those are all I can share right now. I also would like to know what are everyone's habits too. Let me say nothing to be ashamed of our habits.  Life is too short to not savor each moment.


  1. I like these. It's so true- life is to short to not savor each moment. One habit I have is taking a bath or a shower every night before I go to bed. When I was young, I always had trouble falling asleep. Taking a bath or shower helps me to clear my head, get warm, relax and fall asleep easily. Another habit I have is reading series novels, I picked up this habit from my mom and my grandma Joyce. If I have a free moment, I grab a book and read, usually historical fiction/fantasy series' or mysteries. The books are usually badly written but exciting, I love them anyway.

    1. Hi Lil' Bit, shower before bed or after work makes me comfortable and relaxed.
      These are good habits, keep them up.
      And thank you for sharing them with me.
