Thursday, February 28, 2019

Everything Is A Journey

The Earth spins around its Axis.
To orbit from south pole to north pole.

The seasons switch from green, to dry
 To rainbow, to cold.
Only they can tell you the stories of their journeys.

Noah sailed his Ark across the flood of doom.
It’s called a journey of survival.

The wildlife immigrates across oceans.
 Across deserts.
Because life is all about moving, I tell you.

The rivers flow gently along with the breezy winds.
Because as you know the water are traveling.

People transform from infants into seniors.
It’s the cycle of life, as the science calls it.

How did we get to the moon? How did we get to Mars?
We are the wanderers, the dwellers,
The travelers, the explorers.

The world and its inhabitants are
On missions of endless journeys.
And you can’t stop it nor hold it.

People are rushing around the crowded streets.
They’re traveling to live their lives.

Cars are crashing at each other in the roads.
Because their drivers are in hurry to survive.

Birds fly high above the sky.
They’re searching food and nesting.

Life on Earth is a journey.
And you can’t control it.
But it can control your life.

Fetuses in the womb appear as aliens 
Through the sonogram.
But when they are born, they are among us.
In between is a journey
That only the science can tell you.

And you dear reader, had a long journey of learning. 
I can tell.
Learning ABC, learning 123.
Learning to speak, to read and to write.

And that is quite a journey only you can tell us.

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