Wednesday, November 23, 2016

My Dictionary.

As promised that I'll write vocabularies in somali language then translate it into english, although not all somali people speak same somali words those who live in south Somalia may speak a bit different from the north   so if you don't recognize those words I'll write bellow then its how I spoke in the  north Somalia what is NOW called Somaliland   I was only born in the  south but have not  been there since I learned how to speak.
Sometimes somali language doesn't have a single word to describe the things. So when it come to describing family member or relatives  you'll need to start with MY  like xaaskayga my wife so you use the somali word KAYGA which means mine.

Our today's vocabularies are about family members and relative how to describe  the lists of family and relatives in somali language so here it goes.

I hope its useful for you.

Hooyo.     Mother.

Aabe/Aabo.      Father.

Ayeeyo.   Grandma.

Awoowe.     Grandpa.

Walaasha.   Sister.

Walaalka.   Brother.

Habaryar.   Maternal aunt. or aunt by marriage, maternal uncle's wife.

Eedo.   Paternal aunt or aunt by marriage, paternal uncle's wife.

Abti.   Maternal uncle.

Adeer.   Paternal uncle.

Habara wadaag.   Cousins from aunts.

Ilma adeer.  cousins from uncles.

Ninkayga.  My husband.

Xaaskayga.   My wife

Gabadhayda.  My daughter.

Willkayga.   My son.

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