Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Hello dear valued  readers, sorry for the late, I created  this blog a while  ago but I didn't have the time to write something.

It's just that most of the time I want to write something but when I get the chance I don't feel like doing it, it's funny but all the motivations and energy goes away when I try to start writing but of course I'm not giving up of writing
.I'm not that lazy it's just that I'm tired a lot being mother of one child with two jobs however when I come home and sit in front of my laptop I feel like I need to rest then the  time runs so fast.

Most of my free times I spend binge-watching movies a lot more  than writing. Now let's change the subject.

Why I'm writing this blog? I have a dream of becoming a writer I have an incredible stories to tell I believe everybody have their own stories whether they want to share or keep it a secret so I'm planning of writing a book in the future, I have not started it yet I'm just starting to improve my english vocabulary and grammar.

With the support of my wonderful husband and his family it's  time to write my  story, a new story,  a story that you have never read before however I have been feeling little overwhelmed with everything, I have been here in the states less than eight years and it's been three years since I gained my freedom from my oppressive and abusive  family. I eventually wrote a children's book manuscript  a while  ago and I found an illustrator but I'm still dealing with the publishing company.

So the reason I created this blog is that I need to improve my writing and to write what I need to tell the world it's the only way I can reach the world, I need a place to express my feelings, thoughts and opinions so here it's.

I don't like to bore people I hope you'll like what I write and thank you for visiting my blog and  taking your time to read my stories

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